Kindergarten Program
At Kindaimanna we follow a Play-based approach, that aims to engage and inspire a life-long love of learning. We ensure our students are exposed to a range of authentic, hands-on experiences that encourage the development of social and emotional skills, problem solving, number sense, oral language and an active imagination.
We have a strong emphasis on outdoor play at Kindaimanna, to foster the development of fundamental movement skills, imaginative play, experimentation, investigation and social interaction.
Department of Education School
Our Kindergarten Program follows the Western Australian Curriculum (SCSA), National Quality Standards (NQS) and Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), inline with all Department of Education schools.
Families find our program a gentler approach to learning. As our kindy helps to build a strong foundation that prepares children for the rest of their schooling years.
A range of both teacher-led and independent activities are planned throughout the day to encourage children’s natural sense of wonder. We ensure students are actively developing:
Fine motor skills,
Hand & eye coordination,
Language development
Social & emotional skills
Cognitive skills - problem solving & number knowledge
Fundamental movement skills
Our learning environment is specifically set up to encourage children to explore and play creatively. Children are able to learn independently as they delve between our dramatic play corner, loose parts shelf, quiet reading nook, creative arts areas and large supply of open-ended resources.
“Play is a powerful and important activity. It has a natural and positive influence on children’s social, physical, emotional and cognitive development. The best learning happens when children play. It is important to let your children play every day.
... Play-based learning environments encourages talking, reading, thinking and writing. Through this, your child sees literacy and numeracy as part of their everyday experience.” - Department of Education
You can read more about play-based education here.
“In play a child always behaves beyond his average age, above his daily behavior. In play it is as though he were a head taller than himself.”
— Lev Vygotsky