Incursions and Excursions
Incursions and excursions give children a wide range of authentic experiences that broaden their knowledge and connection to their community. We incorporate the costs of our incursions and excursions within our budget whenever possible, so all children can be part of these amazing experiences.
We program more Incursions than Excursions for our Kindergarten group, as this is accessible and achievable for all our students. Some examples of excursions we have organised include visits to the Kelmscott Senior High school farm and the Western Australian Museum.
Story time with Rita from Armadale Libraries
Suez Waste & Recycling Workshop
Local Police visit
Ausark Wildlife
Hospital AWCHWA
Einsteins Australia
Noongar Culture: Painting, artifacts and storytelling workshop
Interactive Music sessions
In addition to incursions, there are also several events the teaching staff organise. The parent committee also organise events within the kindy and also externally.
School Events
Easter Hat Parade
Mother's Day Afternoon
Father’s Day Evening
Book Week Dress-up & Parade
Teddy Bear’s Picnic
Christmas Concert
Visit from Santa
End of Year Water Party
Committee planned events
Events planned by the committee vary each year depending on the choices and the level of commitment of the committee. Whilst most events are more community targeted, the children look up to the parents learning the importance of community involvement and working together.
Open day
Busy bees
Market stalls
Kelmscott show
“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.”
— Fred Rogers